Hope City Board

The Hope City Board met Tuesday January 19th in a virtual meeting. After the Pledge, a review of the minutes, and the invocation, the board moved into the agenda items

The board looked at a request to connect to city sewer. Mrs. Evelyn Miller who lives on West Avenue B outside the city has requested to hook on. City Manager Catherine Cook noted Miller is close to city sewer and she is already on city water. Mrs. Miller is the Mother of a city employee. The board voted to allow her to hook onto city sewer.

The board looked at some appointments to city commissions. Mayor Don Still said he had talked to Jerry Pruden about continuing on the Water & Light Commission. Pruden indicated he would accept another five year term. Board Member Steve Montgomery spoke favorably about Pruden. Board Member Kiffenea Talley asked if the board should go into executive session on the appointments. The City Manager indicated the board could if they wanted to. The board went into executive session at 7:13pm. The board reconvened at 7:28pm. The board voted to appoint Jerry Pruden to a five year term on Water & Light. Sharon Caldwell was reappointed to a four year term on the Hope Tourism Commission. There were three vacancies on Planning and Zoning. Dr. Don Freel was appointed to a 2 year term to finish out the unfinished term of the late Doodle Franklin. Robert “Whit” Whitlock was appointed to a 3 year term on Planning and Zoning. Reginald Easter was appointed to Planning and Zoning for three years. There was also a vacancy on the Tourism Commission for a 1 year term and Trevor Coffee was appointed to that. There is still a vacancy on the Housing Authority and the board will revisit that in the future.

City Manager Catherine Cook noted Tim Blue has said the Texas Street project is finished and Blue talked about a box culvert on Patmos Road that is being undermined by the creek. Blue said there was three or four options but they haven’t decided on a plan of action. Cook said that will probably be an expensive job. Discussion ensued.

Cook gave an update on the City Hall roof and she said they were about to finish the guttering and will probably move to the flat part of the roof next. She said they are not getting any leaks.

Cook said she is working on a news release for the media on the COVID vaccine and she noted there hasn’t been enough for all who want it. She said hopefully more vaccines will come on line.

Also discussed was the proposed “Day of Racial Healing”. Cook also said Amber Murr had done some training for city clerks. She said the city employees are keeping up with their continuing education.

Board member Regional Easter asked for more details on the damaged box culvert on Patmos Road and more discussion ensued.

Mayor Don Still noted long-time retired city employee Calvin Ware had passed away. He worked for the city over 40 years. Mayor Still also noted Chief J.R. Wilson’s dad passed away. The board offered their condolences to the families and the meeting then adjourned.