Hope City Board
The Hope City Board met in the city hall boardroom Tuesday (9-3) for their first meeting of September. After the prayer and pledge the minutes were reviewed and approved. John Hollis from the Downtown Network spoke asking for the board’s blessing to have three projects for people to choose from in the
“Taste of Hope” event set for October 5th. These projects might be an art project, crosswalk paintings, and the word “HOPE” with some trees planted near the HUB. But to get an exact idea of the projects one must come to the event.
“Taste of Hope” event set for October 5th. These projects might be an art project, crosswalk paintings, and the word “HOPE” with some trees planted near the HUB. But to get an exact idea of the projects one must come to the event.
Departmental Reports were reviewed with the heads of the departments there in case there were any questions.
The board passed a motion to make the corner of 16th Street and Spring Hill Road the future site for the proposed aquatic center. A benefit of this location is the city won’t have to purchase the land. This site will have 192 parking spots. The center will give the whole family activities in which to participate.
Hope for the Future will soon be on the website for everyone to view. Assistant City Manager Daniel Shelman talked about marketing for the plan already being underway with a promotional phrase of “vote times three” as there are three measures to vote on. The include a sales and use tax, fire improvement bonds, and park improvement bonds. The city wants to make clear that the total tax if all are approved would be a 1 cent tax for the combined three ballot questions. Mailers will be put out to promote the project as well as roadside banners, table tents and backpack stuffers all of which should be ready by October 1. There will also be presentations at civic meetings. The deadline to register to vote is October 7th.
There has been no change when it comes to the status of the Hope hospital.
The city has been told it is next in line for the street striping on 6th street.
Dorsey Askew will be taking over for Carl Conley. He and Dilesha Bradley are expected to make a great team.
An FAA project is underway and 5 year plans are being considered for the airport.
Vice Mayor Kiffanea Talley commended Nathaniel Holyfield for the job he has done. City Manager JR Wilson added his praise.
The meeting adjourned.