Lonoke Missionary Baptist Church Celebrates 150 Years
One of Hope’s oldest and most active churches recently celebrated its 150th anniversary. Lonoke Missionary Baptist Church at 702 South Hazel celebrated with both a banquet at Hempstead Hall and a special service at the church.
The speaker for the banquet on August 24th was Rev. Solomon Phifer of Polly Chapel Baptist Church of Texarkana. Speaker for the special service at the church on August 25th was Rev. T.J. Roberson of St. Paul Baptist Church.
Lonoke organized in 1874 under the leadership of Rev. Caesar Duffie. The first location was Ninth & Laurel Streets. In 1887, the congregation moved to 700 S. Hazel St. under the pastorate of Rev. A.L. Kern. The old cornerstone carries the date of 1890, which suggests the building was in existence when the congregation moved in but was dedicated three years later. With the installation of the 911 system, Lonoke’s official address became 702 S. Hazel St. A new church structure was built under the leadership of Rev. Walter White. Dedication services occurred over a five-day period March17th through 23rd, 1969. 2017, saw the addition of a new fellowship hall and kitchen.
Approximately 23 ministers have served Lonoke during its 150 year history. Rev. Alvin L. Hunter has been the pastor since 1993 and envisions total corporate unity.
Lonoke utilizes willing workers, seeks lost souls, teaches the growing and reaches out and is of service to the community through participation in local charities, hosting of community outreach programs and benevolent giving.
Lonoke’s motto is “One Mind, One Church, With Singleness of Heart . . .”