Hope Lions Hear from Katie Montgomery, Interim Director and Technical Director at Hempstead Hall

The Hope Lions heard from Katie Montgomery on Monday (2-3). Montgomery is the Interim Director and Technical Director at Hempstead Hall. She gave the club an overview of the facility.
Hempstead Hall is 65,000 square feet of meeting and event space. The facility hosted nearly 600 different events at the building with over 100,000 people attending those events. Montgomery says the events vary from workforce training to motivational faith-based events as well as health, safety, and professional development conferences. Other events include private and public meetings with community leaders, academic events, musicals, dance recitals, FBLA, FCCLA, 4-H O’Ramas, bingo nights, and fish fries.
Montgomery says Hempstead Hall is most notable for its shows which make up only a small part of what goes on at the Hall. Marty Stuart will be in concert February 20th at Hempstead Hall. Also, Jason Crabb will be in concert on April 25th. Tickets for Crabb go on sale February 14th. Tickets are now on sale for Stuart. Montgomery said they try to keep the ticket prices as low as possible and noted there are no hidden fees when you purchase tickets at Hempstead Hall. She also talked about the various sponsors for the two events.
An indoor yard sale was held last August and Montgomery said it was very successful. The event went two days and there were 48 booths available. They sold out. Another indoor yard sale will be April 4th and 5th at Hempstead Hall. This one will be April 4th and 5th. This one will be expanded into the hallways and rotunda to allow for more booths. There will also be food trucks at the yard sale.
The Lions had several questions and greatly enjoyed hearing from Daniels on the events at Hempstead Hall.