Fulton Town Council

The Fulton Town Council met on February 3rd. They kicked off the meeting with a prayer and a roll call. All were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read.
First topic of discussion was the water and sewer. The cost to upgrade the sewer system was $16.52 and $1682. The general funds that were spent were about $14,000. The budget for 2024 was discussed. Tempers flared about the budget. The budget for 2025 was roughly $126,000. The street fund is roughly $52,000. There was a motion to accept the 2025 budget, and the general fund. The motion was passed.
There was a resolution to pay the street department. A motion was made and passed to pay them. There was some discussion on paying water bills.
The fire department report was discussed. During the winter storm in January, the fire department was opened to the public. The department was trashed, along with things being stolen. The fire department held a meeting following the storm with the result of that meeting being that a set of new rules was established. A rule about not smoking in the fire department was among those set. A motion was made and passed to accept the fire department report.
The new water rates were discussed. Within the city limits the average bill is $16 not including taxes. There was a question raised about the rates being higher last month. The response from the city was that the rates last month were the old rates. The city is getting new rates in place. The meeting was then adjourned.